America’s future on trial The US presidential candidates go head to head in their first of three debates tonight. The US audience will...
Thirty years on – a tale from the Vicarage The Watford FC official website Watford beat Manchester United 3-1 in the Premiership at Vicarage Road today. It is...
Why does Thailand keep changing its constitution? From the Economist (Depressingly accurate analysis from the Economist – although missing one key ingredient that is critical to...
Fifteen years on – 9/11 Fifteen years on. 9/11 always seems to come around too quickly. The memories are still too vivid. The fear...
Sully – losing sight of the facts On January 15, 2009, the world witnessed the “Miracle on the Hudson” when Captain “Sully” Sullenberger piloted his stricken...
Hong Kong’s umbrella movement becomes mainstream The 4 September Hong Kong LegCo election results were notable in that supporters of greater independence for Hong Kong...
EK521 preliminary report issued by GCAA The UAE GCAA today released its preliminary report into the crash of EK521. Credit where due – ICAO rules...
Fate and fortune: the state of Reuters (The Baron) Darren Schuettler (I believe) with the scoop from the Toronto newsroom – 1994. Editorial from The Baron – and sad...
It’s life Jim – maybe not as we know it One day long from now a person from earth will meet a life form from another planet. It will...
A mall too far? Dubai Holding (aka Dubai Properties) is a company that is easy to dislike. They were the developer of...