Erdogan’s hollow win President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is claiming a victory for his yes campaign in yesterday’s referendum on the Turkish constitution....
Erdogan turns up the heat in Turkey Some interesting notes in the Economist as Turkey goes to a referendum today. Turkey matters not just for its...
Worst case Brexit J.J. Patrick on Twitter, yesterday, offers this bleak short analysis of post Brexit Britain. You don’t have to agree...
Turkey’s failed coup Staging a coup is a bit like a goalkeeper trying to catch a cross in soccer. If you are...
EIU on Brexit impact Britain’s Brexit will be slow and painful – assuming that it ever happens: Alex White of the Economic Intelligence...
Chilcot’s damning verdict on Blair’s Iraq war Picture from euronews Back on 18 March 2003 in the British House of Commons Brent North MP Barry Gardiner said...
Five days on….a growing mess It is hard to know where to start. So much has been said and written after the #Brexit vote...
Cameron’s final hurrah – a theory Here is a nice sheep to calm everyone down! From the Guardian’s comments section: how Cameron gave Boris Johnson...
A British Tragedy? There is a risk of regarding this as yet another fear story from another entitled member of the Tory...
The Guardian view on the EU referendum The morning after the night before: this was the 24 June Guardian editorial on the EU referendum: “The vote is...