Fixing the maths on Dubai’s airport expansion plans A model of the future DWC on display at the 2015 Dubai Air Show Dubai Airports have appointed a...
Don’t worry, be happy Below is today’s editorial in the sycophantic Khaleej Times. Cloying. The very idea that the world should adopt the...
RIP flydubai FZ981 It is always harder when the accident is closer to home. UAE airlines had not had a life-taking accident...
Germanwings – privacy or need to tell? Image from GQ magazine – see story link below The French accident report into the crash of GermanWings flight...
The UAE’s delicate balance From the Irish Independent. UAE’s Minister for Happiness has quite the job on her hands Last month, the United Arab...
HRC v Trump: the looming battle for the soul of America A very solid read from today’s Guardian – barring a major shock or change in voter sentiment this will...
Clean for the Queen – the UK at its worst Clean for the Queen…..this week the British are being exhorted to voluntarily tidy up the country for the old...
UAE jail for offensive whatsapp message This is really a cautionary tale for foreigners living in the UAE. Last Monday the supreme court in the...
Thaksin takes off the gloves Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has warned Thailand’s ruling generals on Tuesday that a prolonged stay in power...
Bremain not Brexit How did we get to this? Angela Merkel, like almost every leader in Europe, is determined to keep Britain in...